4.5 (250)

jQuery Training

jQuery Says: Write Less Do More. jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that simplifies web development tasks and enhances the user experience. It provides a concise and intuitive API for manipulating HTML documents, handling events, creating animations, and making AJAX requests.

Codify Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Completion

Course Duration

15 days

Online and Offline

Online and Offline


jQuery is a swift and lightweight JavaScript library packed with features. It streamlines tasks such as HTML document manipulation, event handling, animation creation, and AJAX request management. jQuery's main objective is to facilitate web development by offering a straightforward and efficient API.


What is jQuery?

Imagine building a website where static content simply isn't enough. You want elements to respond to user interaction, data to update dynamically, and animations to bring your web pages to life. This is where jQuery comes in.

In essence, jQuery is a light-weight JavaScript library that acts as a wrapper around center JavaScript functionalities. It offers concise and clean-to-use syntax, making it much simpler to:

  • manage the document object model (DOM): jQuery offers a streamlined manner to engage with the structure and content material of your net page. you may effortlessly upload, dispose of, modify, and style HTML elements.

  • Creating Dynamic Interactivity: Mastering Event Handling Dive into the world of event handling without the hassle. jQuery simplifies the way you respond to user actions like clicks, hovers, and form submissions. With jQuery at your fingertips, effortlessly weave dynamic and interactive elements into your web pages, enriching user engagement and interaction.

  • Elevating Visual Appeal: Animating with Ease Bid farewell to static web pages and welcome visually stunning experiences. jQuery introduces you to a world of seamless animations and effects, allowing you to infuse that extra spark into your designs. Explore a variety of built-in animation methods that empower you to craft user interfaces with smooth transitions and eye-catching motion effortlessly.

  • Streamlining Web Interactions: Effortless AJAX Requests Say goodbye to the age of page reloads! jQuery simplifies the process of making AJAX requests, enabling seamless interactions with web servers. This means you can update specific parts of your web page without forcing users to endure a full content reload. Streamline your web interactions and provide users with a smoother, more responsive and compatible browsing experience.

  • jQuery is a popular open-source JavaScript library.

  • Widely used for creating interactive and responsive web applications.

Why Use jQuery?

Here are a few convincing reasons to incorporate jQuery into your web development projects:

  • Streamlined Syntax: jQuery's code boasts simplicity, making it more readable and writable compared to raw JavaScript. This quality is especially advantageous for developers, no matter their level of experience.

  • Ensuring Compatibility Across Browsers: A standout feature of jQuery is its capability to guarantee uniform behavior across various web browsers. You craft your code once, and jQuery manages the differences among browsers.

  • Rich Plugin Ecosystem: The vast jQuery plugin ecosystem offers a plethora of ready-made solutions for various functionalities. From accordions and sliders to charts and image galleries, you can easily extend jQuery's capabilities without reinventing the wheel.

Getting Started

  1. Setting Up jQuery:

    • Include the jQuery library in your HTML file using a CDN or by downloading it locally.

    • Use the following script tag to include jQuery:

    • <script src="https://codifynext.com/jquery/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>

      <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>

  2. Basic Syntax:

    • jQuery uses the $ symbol as a shorthand for the jQuery thing.

    • Example:


      $(document).ready(function() {
      // Your jQuery code here

Core Concepts


  • Use selectors to target HTML elements for manipulation.

  • Common selectors:

    • This selector targets all elements with a specified tag name. For instance, $("p") selects all paragraph elements in the document.

    • The dot notation allows you to select elements with a particular class. For example, $(".highlight") selects all elements with the class "highlight."

    • Utilizing the pound or hash symbol, this selector singles out an element with a specific ID. For instance, $("#header") selects the element with the ID "header" in the document.

    • $("element"):

    • $(".class"):

    • $("#id"):

Manipulating Elements

  • Change content, attributes, or styles of elements.

  • Examples:

    • $("p").text("New text"): Set the text content of all paragraphs.

    • $("#myButton").addClass("highlight"): Add a CSS class to an element.

Event Handling

  • Bind event handlers to elements.
    • Example

      $("#myButton").click(function() {
      alert("Button clicked!");

  • AJAX Requests

    • Fetch data from a server without reloading the page.

    • Use $.ajax() or $.get() methods.

    • Example

      $.get("data.json", function(data) {
      // Process data

Projects and Exercises

  1. Image Gallery:

    • Create an image gallery with thumbnails that expand when clicked.

    • Implement smooth transitions using jQuery animations.

  2. To-Do List App:

    • Build a simple to-do list application.

    • Add tasks, mark them as completed, and delete tasks.

  3. Interactive Forms:

    • Enhance form validation and user experience.

    • Validate input fields using jQuery.


Course Content

Introduction to jQuery:

  • What is jQuery and its role in web development?
  • How to include jQuery in web pages.
  • Understanding the jQuery syntax and basic concepts.

DOM Manipulation with jQuery:

  • Selecting elements using CSS selectors and jQuery selectors.
  • Manipulating HTML elements: adding, removing, and modifying content.
  • Modifying element attributes, styles, and classes.
  • Traversing the DOM: navigating through parent, child, and sibling elements.

Event Handling:

  • Handling user interactions with jQuery.
  • Binding and unbinding event handlers.
  • Common events: click, submit, hover, etc.
  • Event delegation for dynamically added elements.

Effects and Animations:

  • Creating visual effects using jQuery.
  • Animating elements: fading, sliding, and toggling.
  • Custom animations with easing and duration.
  • Chaining multiple effects for complex animations.

AJAX with jQuery:

  • Making asynchronous requests using jQuery's AJAX functions.
  • Retrieving data from a server and updating the web page dynamically.
  • Handling AJAX responses: success, error, and complete callbacks.
  • Sending and receiving data in different formats (JSON, XML, etc.).

jQuery Plugins:

  • Introduction to jQuery plugins and their benefits.
  • Finding, installing, and using jQuery plugins.
  • Customizing and extending plugin functionality.
  • Examples of popular jQuery plugins and their usage.

Form Validation:

  • Validating user input in forms using jQuery.
  • Performing real-time validation on form fields.
  • Handling form submission and preventing default behavior.
  • Displaying validation messages and feedback to users.

Advanced jQuery Concepts:

  • Understanding deferred objects and promises.
  • Working with JSON data using jQuery.
  • Creating reusable jQuery code as plugins or modules.
  • Performance optimization techniques and best practices.

Responsive Design with jQuery:

  • Implementing responsive behavior using jQuery.
  • Modifying elements based on screen size and orientation.
  • Handling touch events and gestures for mobile devices.

Integrating jQuery with Other Libraries and Frameworks:

  • Using jQuery alongside other JavaScript libraries.
  • Integration with popular frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.
  • Working with jQuery UI for enhanced UI components and interactions.

jQuery Training FAQ's

jQuery is a library which is created by using JavaScript. jQuery can simplifies various complex tasks in web development: DOM Traversing, DOM Manipulation, Animations, Event Handling, AJAX calls and more.

In one word write less do more.

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Yes. jQuery is very easy to learn and understand, But we should have good knowledge in JavaScript

No. You should have knowledge in JavaScript

Codify Next - Course Completion Certificate

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